Monday, August 17, 2009

The Phenomenal Handclap Band Brooklyn Yard, great show

So I went to the Brooklyn yard on Saturday to see PHB and hang out with some friends. I got there around 4:30, early as usual. The "yard" was a good sized semi wooded area next to the water near a picturesque bridge. They had great Mexican food, bratwurst hot dogs and a full bar stocked with Sapporo and Pabst Blue Ribbon. I met up with my brother in law and some close friends and the drinking began. The show was great, I had a little "photography battle with another photographer with a canon. It was kinda funny, we both started far from the stage until I made my move to get close and started getting the shots. Here are some of those shots Enjoy.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Phenominal Handclap Band video shoot: Daniel's scene

So here we are in NYC shooting the music video for the PHB. The director of the video is Moh Azima. This is a ground breaking video. We are shooting the whole thing "natural light" and shooting it with a Nikon D90. It's a novel approach to shooting a video, but I think it will pay off. Some ppl think to achieve a great looking video you need thousands of thousands of dollars, but thats not the case. What you really need is an idea, creativity and hardwork. The video it's self is looking amazing, HD video looks great. There are 8 members in the PHB and the story follows each of them individually, so it's a lot of footage and a lot of work. I'm really proud to be a part of this video and I know everyone is going to love it. Here are some pictures of the day.